ni:dle - concept design

ni:dle - concept design



Hackathons are a great way to explore a fresh idea. The time constraint provides intense focus and teaches quick decision making skills. I loved the chance to learn Principle App, which enabled us to demonstrate the concept as if it was coded, complete with animated transitions.


Of ~50 hacks, we won the trophy for product innovation! 🏆 🎉

ni:dle - winners


To kick things off we jumped right into sketching and whiteboard ideation.

We talked through many possibilities, keeping our minds in brainstorm mode. We then narrowed the focus down to the most compelling set of features that could work as a focused product concept.

ni:dle - flow

Next we sketched out the product’s user flow on paper, keeping it loose so we could adjust it as we talked. Next up we mocked up the basic flow in Sketch app. Once we were happy we began adding more detail and came up with the branding and marketing tagline. As we worked together to establish the interactions and visual styling, we used Principle for Mac to connect our screens into a realistic prototype.

ni:dle - concept design

So what exactly was our concept you ask? I’ll save that story.


Next Project: Mortgage App